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Alicia L. Bonar

I am currently a Geology PhD Student working with Dr. Lynn Soreghan at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK. I utilize both field-based and lab-based studies to evaluate the climatic and tectonic histories preserved in sedimentary basins through applied sedimentology, stratigraphy, sedimentary petrology, geochronology, and organic/inorganic geochemistry. My research goal is to discover and apply lithologic and geochemical proxies to better resolve deep-time paleoclimatic and tectonic questions related to the formation of fine-grained sedimentary rocks in both marine and terrestrial environments.


Xprize Carbon Removal Challenge Winners

Our new startup - Bison Underground, led by Steve Adams - just gained support from the Musk Foundation and the Xprize Carbon Removal Challenge panel with $250,000 in seed funding.

View media coverage and highlights here





Presentation at Annual GSA 2021!

I recently presented on some new data deciphering allochthonous vs autochthonous silt in two granitoid host soils from varying climates.  

Read the abstract here


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University of Oklahoma

PhD in Geology

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New Mexico State University

Masters in Geology

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West Virginia University

Bachelors in Geology / minor in Business Admin.

Climatic influences on silt production in modern soils
The effects of atmospheric dust on primary productivity and organic carbon preservation


Addressing current climate change with regenerative agriculture


Outside of being a geologist, I enjoy camping, hiking, fishing, painting, cooking, and snapping A LOT of landscape photos. My happy place is anywhere in New Mexico. I love my dogs (Charlie and Arthur), sushi, yoga, kickboxing, and traveling. The best parts of life are the friends and family (human and furry!) that I get to share it with. Check photos below if you like mountains, sleeping in a tent, wild flowers, and IPAs.


I am always available to chat about research, teaching, and all-things geology, so never hesitate to reach out!

University of Oklahoma

School of Geosciences

100 Boyd Street, Room 710

Norman, OK 73069 USA


advisor: Dr. Lynn Soreghan


office: Sarkeys Energy Center, 810E

Sunset over the San Andres Mountains while backcountry camping in White Sands National Park

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